Is this satoshi?
Vote nowDorian Nakamoto
Dorian Nakomoto, whose birth name is Satoshi Nakamoto, worked as a systems engineer on classified defense projects. Dorian is a libertarian and a very private man who was very wary of the government, taxes, and people in charge. Could this have been a motive for the creation of Bitcoin? Dorian later went on to deny any involvement in the Bitcoin project…
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Evidence Timeline
Fits the Description
“A young man of Japanese ancestry” was the vision that Hal Finney had of Satoshi Nakamoto. Dorian Nakamoto is the only suspect that fits Hal’s description. Hal talked to Satoshi regularly right from when he released the Bitcoin code, so he is likely to have a good idea of what Satoshi was like.Source
Guilty Admission?
After being approached by Newsweek about Dorian's involvement in the Bitcoin project, Dorian said: "I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it… It’s been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection." Was this a guilty admission or just a confused response by Dorian? He later went on to deny any involvement with the Bitcoin project.Source
The Guy Next Door
Dorian Nakamoto lived just a couple of blocks away from Hal Finney in a small town called Temple City, California. Hal was involved in the Bitcoin project from a very early stage working with Satoshi from his very first message on the cryptography mailing list. Could Hal and Satoshi have been next-door neighbors? Or could this be one big coincidence?Source
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