
Crafting a unique way to explore Bitcoin adoption across the world

The Project

The challenge

To create an interactive content piece that educated users about the famous faces who are ‘bullish’ on Bitcoin.

The results

Avark designed ‘Guess Who’s Next?’ putting a spin on the classic Guess Who board game. Guess Who’s Next allowed people to learn about those who have invested in a Bitcoin, in a fun and interactive way.


Interactive Bitcoin board

Guess Who’s Next is an interactive content piece which explores how business leaders, institutions and even entire countries are adopting Bitcoin.

The idea of the piece is that once one of these individuals goes public that they’re bullish on Bitcoin, they will pop up on the board.


Refreshing an old classic

Our team wanted the design to reflect the popular board game ‘Guess Who’. A huge part of this was replicating the iconic game board used in the traditional game.

In order to do this Avark created a 3D model which users could navigate to explore the different leaders who have adopted Bitcoin.


Free-flowing experience

The Avark team used both a combination of slick and subtle animations and transitions on the piece. This creates an experience where the user never leaves the page and can quickly navigate through the different individuals.

Another fundamental part of the development was the consideration for mobile, and how users would interact with the 3D model on smaller screen sizes.

We optimised the site for mobile by adding in a menu where users can scroll through a list of individuals, and then navigate straight to their profile without having to interact with the 3D model.

We wanted to create a piece that really showcased Bitcoin adoption as it continues to spread across the world.

Adam Waterhouse

Head of Operations

Explore Bitcoins adoption
across the world

View Guess Who's Next

View Guess Who's Next

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