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    Published 13th August 2021

    What is a POAP?

    What is a POAP? Image

    The NFT platform POAP is revolutionising the events management space.

    POAP (pronounced poh-app) is a platform that creates a new way of recording experiences by providing tokens in the form of NFTs stored on the Ethereum sidechain, xDai.

    The chain means that attendance at these events can not be faked or edited. This creates exclusivity for the people who were really there and claimed the POAP.

    POAP is an open-source, community-owned program. This means anyone can apply to contribute through the POAP social media accounts

    What does POAP offer?

    POAP has an ecosystem of eight sites and applications that they offer. These are aimed at both attendees and organisers of events. 


    This is POAP’s hub for information. Here you can get a host of information regarding POAP and how to get involved, as a user and an event organiser. 


    An instant messaging service, exclusive for people who attended a single event. This is perfect for networking with people you didn’t get to speak to in person, catching up with people you missed or organising new events with relevant people. 


    Where you claim tokens for the events you have attended. You enter your wallet address and if the address is valid you are eligible to claim one. The token is then added to your wallet.


    Users on POAP can put forward a question and others can vote on it. Some current topics are, what’s your favourite stoner cat? Will NFTs go to the moon?


    Raffles for attendees at specific events. This keeps attendees engaged with events for longer and gives the opportunity for attendees to win a prize.


    This is a site for users to explore any tokens, graphics or images from old events.


    The part of the site where users store the tokens from previous events, they are also stored in your wallet.


    A way to bring attendees together and strengthen the POAP community. This site is a place to purchase drawings made at conferences in the form of NFTs.

    Why would conferences want to use POAP?

    Using POAP has many benefits for a conference. The vast majority of people who attend your event are engaged and inspired by what you offered at your event. Through POAP, you can see how many users were engaged enough to claim the token.

    POAP also creates an opportunity to talk directly with these attendees. This could help you get feedback on your event, invite people to more events or follow up on anything you thought could have been better. For example, POAP could allow a conference to message the POAP.chat group for that token and apologise for a speaker being late, thank the chat for attending or offer early bird tickets for the next conference. 

    Conferences could also put forward questions to POAP.vote for market research.

    Why would users want to use POAP?

    POAP is a way to display your hobbies and interests. This will be different for different demographics but POAP can target multiple audiences by partnering with brands in several industries.

    For example, a professional attending a networking event could register themselves there. The user could then use the tokens they have in job interviews to show dedication and interest in the industry. 

    Alternatively, a young person attending a music festival could save their token to post on social media. They could also win some of their favourite artist’s merch on POAP.fun, speak to new friends they met there on POAP.chat and maybe receive a discount on future festivals by the same company.

    POAP’s innovation with the services they offer means that it can be adapted for pretty much any user. 

    What next for POAP?

    POAP has currently focused on Ethereum based events and is doing well for it. They received support from Vitalik Buterin after he tweeted saying he supports the work they are doing. POAPs currently represent people who are part of an exclusive club of tech wiz’s.


    POAP’s volunteer-based business model has attracted contributions from some of the top developers in the world. We’re sure POAP will grow and become a staple at events in the blockchain space, as well as other events. POAP is a great example of an NFT that is recolonising the way we attend and present conferences. It’s an interesting addition to the NFT space, which now covers so much more than digital art. Keep an eye on our Twitter account for the latest news regarding NFTs.

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