Accelerating adoption of the metaverse
The Project
The challenge
To carry out a full brand refresh, which included creating a new website, to modernise the Ozone brand and bring it more in line with their cutting-edge metaverse engine service.
The results
The animated logo, cleaner colour scheme and friendlier typography combined to form a slick website. Collectively, this helped to bring the Ozone website into the web3 era just like their service offering.
A metaverse engine service
The metaverse could be worth $800 billion by 2024. And Ozone is helping to advance the space through their metaverse engine service.
The Ozone brand needed to show potential clients that entering the metaverse wasn’t some far-away, fictional idea. It was very much possible right now and Ozone was your gateway into this emerging, lucrative space.
After stepping into the Ozone metaverse, it was clear that Ozone’s engine was certainly something to shout about with speed and graphics that put them ahead of their competitors.
The challenge for Avark was to carry out a rebrand that showcased this.
Life in the metaverse
As the metaverse soars towards mass adoption, the potential is clearly there for a virtual world in which we work, play, shop and socialise.
But the metaverse isn’t all about potential. The truth is the shift to a virtual world is already happening.
The play-to-earn gaming market is booming, brands like Nike have already started creating clothing for the metaverse and Justin Bieber has even held a virtual concert in the metaverse.
And the branding needed to reflect that Ozone are creating in a current, emerging space.
UI design
Pixel-perfect UI
The Ozone website would ultimately be a reflection of their work. Giving potential customers a glimpse into what they could expect when working with Ozone.
With that in mind, we knew the importance of perfecting the website UI.
It needed to be aesthetically perfect to showcase the capabilities of Ozone but without illustrating their service as futuristic or intergalactic.
Logo design
Portal into the metaverse
Whilst metaverse technology is growing exponentially, when it comes to creating spaces in the metaverse, many brands don’t know where to start.
We wanted the branding to show potential clients that Ozone was their way into the metaverse.
The refreshed branding centred around the new logo. Avark created a fluid, free-flowing metaverse portal to reflect that Ozone could act as your gateway into the metaverse.
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